
Detroit Bird Alliance is a chapter of the National Audubon Society that serves more than 6,000 members in southeast Michigan. Contributions of $30 or more to Detroit Bird Alliance qualify you for an annual Chapter Membership for your entire household.

You can also gift a Membership or make a Memorial Donation.

To donate by mail, send a check to:

Detroit Bird Alliance
174 S. Clark St. Suite 201
Detroit, MI 48209

  • Research

    Black Tern Monitoring: 10 years of monitoring one of the largest colonies on the Great Lakes.

    Community science programs for bird monitoring projects and Important Bird Area data collection.


    Detroit Bird City: Restoring native habitat to benefit birds and people.

    Safe Light, for Safe Flight and Bird Collision prevention: Working with businesses, building owners, and developers to build better for birds.


    Opportunities to enjoy and learn about birds: Field trips, festivals, school programs, webinars and more.

    Advocating for environmental issues locally and regionally.

  • Issues of our beautiful magazine, Flyway, mailed to your home

    Discount on program fees

    Early registration opportunities for our field trips

    Invitations to special events

    Opportunities to make a difference

    Voting on matters put to vote of membership (i.e. Board elections, 1 vote per household)

Membership Levels

  • $30

    Support local efforts as a Detroit Bird Alliance Chapter Member

  • $50

    Golden-Crowned Kinglet Chapter Member

  • $75

    Canvasback Chapter Member

  • $100

    Marsh Wren Chapter Member

  • $250

    Black Tern Chapter Member

  • $500

    Kirtland's Warbler Chapter Member

  • $750

    Peregrine Falcon Chapter Member

  • $1,000

    Bald Eagle Chapter Member