Backyard Birding

Learn how to plant a garden with native flowers and plants that attract and support local birds and pollinators.

Threats to Birds

Though there seem to be a lot of birds in the sky, the majority of bird species are actually in decline. Some are endangered to the point where their numbers may not be sustainable unless conservation efforts are increased. Two of the biggest threats to birds are climate change and habitat destruction.

Climate Change

The science is clear that climate change is the most significant threat to North American birds. Rising temperatures can fundamentally alter where birds can survive. Climate change affects how much food birds can find, where they can survive, and increases the effects of habitat loss. Their natural ranges are already altering due to climate change. According to National Audubon’s 2014 Birds and Climate Change report, 314 North American bird species could lose half of their current ranges due to rising temperatures.

Habitat Destruction

Habitat destruction is pervasive across the globe, and it poses a major threat to birds. Habitat destruction occurs in three different ways:

  1. Habitat is destroyed when land gets developed.

  2. Habitat also suffers when land becomes fragmented, where it gets divided up by roads or other development, and can no longer sustain healthy bird populations.

  3. Finally, habitat can also be destroyed by pollution or invasive species.

Bird Friendly Gardens

Urban areas are typically highly developed and can contribute to bird habitat loss. However, habitat can be restored by planting gardens with bird ­friendly native plants. Gardeners can also further help birds by installing birdbaths and bird houses in their gardens.

Native Plants of Michigan

Many native plants provide nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. Others provide nourishing seeds and irresistible fruits for your feathered neighbors, offering places to nest and shelter from harm. They’re also a critical part of the food chain—insects evolved to feed on native plants, and by and large, backyard birds raise their young on insects, explains Douglas Tallamy, the author of Bringing Nature Home. Take the Carolina Chickadee: A single clutch of four to six chicks will gobble up more than 9,000 caterpillars in the 16 days between when they hatch and when they leave the nest. So thriving insects means thriving birds.

Many common Michigan native plant and tree suggestions from around the web have been included in this guide to make your green space bird, bee, and butterfly­ friendly. For a more complete list of plants, visit and

To purchase native plants, visit,, or

Common Native Plants

  • Purple Coneflowers

    Echinacea spp.

    These beautiful blooms attract butterflies and other pollinators during the summer and provide seeds for goldfinches and other birds in the fall.

  • Sunflowers

    Helianthus spp.

    Birds often eat the sunflower seeds to fuel their long migrations.

  • Milkweed

    Asclepias spp.

    Milkweed is best known for hosting monarch butterfly caterpillars, but it attracts loads of insects that are great for birds, too. Some birds, like the American goldfinch, use the fiber from the milkweed to spin nests for its chicks.

  • Cardinal Flower

    Lobelia cardinalis

    While few insects can navigate the long tubular flowers, hummingbirds feast on the cardinal flower’s nectar with their elongated beaks.

  • Trumpet Honeysuckle

    Lonicera sempervirens

    One of the top most well-behaved vines to plant in your garden, the multitudes of red tubular flowers are magnets for hummingbirds. This vine’s nectar attracts hummingbirds while many birds like Purple Finches and Hermit Thrushes eat their fruit. During migration, Baltimore Orioles get to the nectar by eating the flowers.