Detroit Bird City

Detroit Bird City (DBC) restores unused land into native flower meadows, creating habitat for birds and pollinators and providing greenspace respites for community members, while requiring less time and maintenance from the city. Detroit Bird Alliance partners with the Detroit Parks and Recreation Department and General Services Department and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to transform underutilized city parks and their neighboring vacant lots into Detroit Bird City parks.

At each park we apply:

  1. Community engagement and planning

  2. Restoration through planting native flower meadows

  3. Installation of signs, benches, and pathways; and

  4. Educational programs and conservation events.

Each meadow takes around three years to establish, after which it needs very minimal maintenance. Once fully established, the meadows require far less maintenance than a turf grass lawn, saving Detroit city parks and community members significant time and money. These meadows show an alternative understanding of natural habitat as an aesthetic resource that provides ecological functions such as pollination, stormwater capture, carbon sequestration as well as air and water pollution mitigation. Pathways, benches, and informative signage ensure that the parks appear purposeful, safe, and welcoming. Each Detroit Bird City park is an example of natural habitat as intentional, and inviting, rather than neglected and inaccessible.

The Detroit General Services Department and Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for 308 parks. However, 52 of these parks are not maintained as conventional parks due to budget constraints, and many are indistinguishable from vacant lots. To Detroit residents, these vacant lots and empty parks reinforce feelings of neglect and provide sites for crime, such as trash dumping, arson, and illicit drug use. Residents often spend considerable amounts of their own time and money to maintain these spaces. Of the few studies that have looked at greening efforts and improved safety, all have found that these efforts resulted in fewer gun assaults and total crimes as well as increased feelings of safety. Increased safety can lead to increased usage of green space, lower levels of stress, and increased community cohesion.

It is our intention that these parks serve as a replicable model for sustainable use of land in Detroit and many other post-industrial cities throughout the USA.

Installed Meadows

ParkAcres of MeadowAddressInstall Date
Callahan 1 (central area)23356 E Ferry2019
Palmer 1 (7 Mile & Woodward)219021 Woodward2020
Lifsitz1.342670 Gladstone2021
McKinley-Merrick0.655200 McKinley2021
Bryant-Vermont0.75170 Vermont2021
Callahan (corner sections)23356 E Ferry2022
Riverside 1 (sled hill)1.63085 W Jefferson2022
Historic Fort Wayne3.56315 W Jefferson2023
Riverside 2 (railroad)13085 W Jefferson2023
Fitzgerald0.516850 Prairie St2023
Joe Louis Greenway 1 (Joy to Tireman)4.188569 Alpine St2023

2024 Meadows

ParkAcres of MeadowAddressInstall Date
Joe Louis Greenway 2 (Tireman to Warren)68034 W Warren2024
Chandler Park7.6812831 Frankfort St2024
Palmer 2 (along woods and lake)9.1819201 Woodward2024
Hunt1.35520 Winchester2024
Warren-Meldrum3.54742 Meldrum2024

2025 Meadows

ParkAcres of MeadowAddressInstall Date
Patton5.58151 Dix HighwayTBD
AB Ford5.75100 Lenox StTBD
Dorais520101 Mound RdTBD
O'Hair5.1619400 Pembroke AveTBD
Heilmann1.4519601 Brock AveTBD