Brittany Leick

Program Coordinator
(313) 588-1015

Brittany Leick is responsible for Detroit Bird Alliance’s field trips, education and community outreach programs. She also oversees volunteer recruitment and training.

Brittany graduated from Unity College in Maine with a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology. During internships she worked with Karner blue butterflies in New Hampshire, Atlantic Puffins, Black Guillemots, Razorbills and tern species in Maine, skipper butterflies in Iowa, and visitor services at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. After graduation, Brittany gained experience with the Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa, as a lab technician with SGS Environmental Services, rescuing birds with Safe Haven Wildlife Removal, managing invasive species with Cardno, and coordinating programs for River Raisin Institute.

In 2017, Brittany began volunteering with Detroit Bird Alliance’s Black Tern banding and bird counts before joining the staff. She is passionate about educating people about birds and their importance. Her favorite bird is the Chimney Swift.

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